Our people are the driving force behind our success. It is therefore crucial to ensure that a healthy working environment is maintained for our employees to be mentally and emotionally invested in their work.
We engage our staff regularly for insights on areas we can improve on. We are determined to grow together as a team to achieve greater things in the future.
It is our aim to be the voice of those in need. Our vision is to generate ripples of love, happiness & hope for the abandoned, the deprived, the abused, the sick and disadvantaged. We are here to serve.

Premier Integrated Labs is committed to staff welfare. We are devoted in providing a healthy, safe and balanced working environment for our employees to achieve their true potential. We also believe in giving back to society and as such, place great value in charity.
The Premier Care Fund was established in February 2014 to acknowledge our employees for their years of dedicated service and to make a difference in society. It is our corporate responsibility, that we appreciate our employees as the cornerstone to our accomplishments and to do our part to make the world a better place.
We welcome you to join hands with us and move forward !
Feel free to share with us on how we can make the Premier Care Fund better by emailing to
Sanorhizam Sadili
Employee Relation
Human Resource
Irmawati Abdullah
Human Resource
Noreddah Mohammed
Human Resources

What is staff welfare?
Staff welfare is a services, benefits and facilities offered to the employees. The welfare measures need not be monetary but in any kind/forms. We have provided various benefits to ensure our employees’ welfare which may increase our business expense and negatively affect our bottom line, however, looking after our employees will benefit us in other ways.
Why it is Important?
We show that we value employee by providing a good staff benefits and remunerations. In return, it will help the staff feel welcome and happy, motivating them to work harder. Providing a good employee welfare plan reflects well on our business by building a good company image.
What is Staff Engagement?
Employee engagement is a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success.
Why is it Important?
Researchers found out that high level of employee engagement have been correlated with high level of quality, productivity and attendance.
It is our aim to be the voiceof those in need, the answer from those who are more fortunate. It is our vision to generate ripples of love, happiness & hope for the abandoned, the deprived, the abused, the sick and disadvantaged. We’re also dedicated to support community and school projects worldwide, to make life better and bring hope to those that are less fortunate in life. Our goal is to connect you with charities that we care about in the most convenient, reliable and in as secure manner as possible. We want to serve everyone thatneeds help and we want to involve anyone who wants to help

Human Resource Department shall be the fund authority and any use of funds is governed by the Department. Managers are responsible for understanding the restrictions on use of fund. Human Resource Department will be in-charge handling the fund disbursement and fund administrator while our Finance department will be our fund treasurer. The fund will be utilized as an aid for the financial needs derived from any of the activities, programmes or events.
To ensure that the fund is legitimate and would enhance staff’s benefit, our fund had been supported by Jabatan Tenaga Kerja’s (Labour Office) and complying with their rules and regulation.
Premier Care Fund is our commitment to provide more focus and structure to our community where we operated. With the fund, we are better able to achieve our desired impact in giving back to the people who have made it possible for us.
Staff who had their new born, married couple, loss of their loved ones or staff who experiencing calamity shall benefit from this fund which they could use the contribution immediately to cater for their specific needs.