A close look at CANCER in Malaysia

Exploring  Malaysia cancer burden in 2018

  • Numbers at a glance:
    • Total population – 32042455
    • Number of new cases – 43837
    • Number of deaths – 26395


  • Number of new cases in 2018, both sexes, all ages






  • Number of new cases in 2018, males, all ages                                                                                             


  • Number of new cases in 2018, females, all ages                                                                                           


Summary statistic 2018

Males Females Both sexes
Population 16 526 726 15 515 729 32 042 455
Number of new cancer cases 20 619 23 218 43 837
Risk of developing cancer before the age of 75 years (%) 14.2 14.8 14.5
Number of cancer deaths 13 937 12 458 26 395
Risk of dying from cancer before the age of 75 years (%) 9.4 8.2 8.8
Top 5 most frequent cancers excluding non-melanoma skin cancer (ranked by cases) Lung Colorectum Prostate Nasopharynx Liver Breast
Cervix uteri
Breast Colorectum Lung Nasopharynx Liver



World Health Organization. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Globocan 2018 – Global Cancer Observatory. Review at: https://gco.iarc.fr/today/data/factsheets/populations/458-malaysia-fact-sheets.pdf