Stop Allergy Attack!

It is estimated that 30%-40% of the world’s population is affected by one or more allergic conditions? Currently, there is about 15%-20% of Malaysian population suffering from allergies and this figure is expected to increase to 50%, 10 years from now. While most allergies appear during the early years of childhood, they can also develop in any person at any age. Allergies are not inherited. Yet, there is no cure at the moment.

Stop Allergy Attack!

Do you know…

It is estimated that 30%-40% of the world’s population is affected by one or more allergic conditions? Currently, there is about 15%-20% of Malaysian population suffering from allergies and this figure is expected to increase to 50%, 10 years from now. While most allergies appear during the early years of childhood, they can also develop in any person at any age. Allergies are not inherited. Yet, there is no cure at the moment.

The best way to stop an allergic reaction is of course, we PREVENT it! However, this is not always easy. If you are allergic to certain food like eggs, fish, soy, peanuts and so on, you can always prevent the allergic reaction by avoiding consuming them (Unless you are not realizing on it). But when it comes to house dust mites or fungal spores, then it will be hard to spot and get rid of them.

Allergic reaction may come in many different ways. Some allergic reactions can come via direct skin contact from exposure to poisonous plants, animal dander, pollen and latex. Some reaction is caused by injection through bee sting and medication. Ingestion of few types of food such as orange, crab, shrimp, milk-cow and so on can also lead to allergic reaction. Other means of allergic reaction including inhalation of pollen, dust, animal dander, mold & mildew.

Urbanization has created massive environmental toxins such as smoke, chemicals and fumes exposing us to the risk of allergies. Physical agents like sunlight, humidity and haze have also contributed to the problem. Allergic problems will continue to escalate as air pollution and ambient temperature increase due to environmental and climate changes.

Symptoms of allergic reactions range from minor nuisances such as itches, sneezing and watery eyes to more acute cases like a fall in blood pressure or severe breathing difficulties. If your child is suspected of suffering from an allergy, an experienced doctor is necessary to conduct allergy tests and to analyze the result accurately.

By doing allergy test, it can help to pinpoint which substances you are allergic to. The Allergy ASEAN Panel applied in our lab composed of both food and inhalant allergens tested in a single panel. Patient’s blood will be tested to measure the specific IgE level in the serum.