Tag Archives: medicines

Obesity in adult

Obesity in adult

Obesity is a complex condition characterized by excess body fat which results in excessive weight.

The prevalence of being overweight and obese in Malaysia has increased by 29% and 14% respectively over the recent years.

There are many factors that can contribute to obesity. External factors are such as diet which is high in fat and sugar content that exceeds the daily requirement, lack of physical activity and exercise and consumption of certain medication like steroids, whereas, genetic factors are such as age, gender, family history and other internal health conditions.

Obesity has been associated with health changes and an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases in the population which is contributed by alteration in dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Besides, obesity can cause serious health implications both physically and psychologically. Physically it can cause an increase in the risk of getting diabetes, fatty liver, metabolic syndrome, sleep disorder and breathing difficulties. It also contributes to moderate risk of getting chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart failure, gout, arthritis and certain types of cancer. Psychologically it can cause problems such as depression, lowered self esteem and other forms of social stigmatization.

The best way to reduce obesity is by preventing it. Obesity can be prevented by exercising regularly, avoiding diet high in sugar and fat, taking food proportions that are small at every meal, drinking an adequate amount of water daily, eating only when you are hungry, avoiding heavy meals before bedtime or late night and monitoring your weight every once a week.

Healthy eating guide on Hari Raya

Healthy eating guide on Hari Raya

  1. Eat small portions and adhere to the “quarter-quarter-half” plate rule
  2. Go low-calorie (eg. fruits) and less-fatty (eg. santan, oil) foods
  3. Choose high fibre food to prevent constipation
  4. Limit the intake of sweet and high-fat food like dodol
  5. Limit consumption of food high in salt like kerepek (eg. banana, tapioca crisps)
  6. Drink plain water instead of soda or sweet drinks

Flow Cytometry Service

Flow Cytometery Service

“The high-performance flow cytometer designed to support routine clinical assays and with exceptional consistency and standardization”.


“The flow crossmatch market may be one of the smallest, but standardization has the potential to have one of the greatest clinical impacts. It’s the little things that make a big difference in healthcare.”

– Dr. Robert Bray, Emory University, Atlanta, GA



  • Flow cytometry is a widely used method for analyzing the expression of cell surface and intracellular molecules, characterizing and defining different cell types in a heterogeneous cell population, assessing the purity of isolated subpopulations and analyzing cell size and volume.
  • It is predominantly used to measure fluorescence intensity produced by fluorescent-labeled antibodies detecting proteins, or ligands that bind to specific cell-associated molecules.


The Advantages

  • A single sample, no matter how rare, can show an essential difference.
  • Multicolor analysis provides more answers from a single tube and decreases cost by reducing the number of tubes and reagents required to reach a diagnosis.
  • Runs at rates up to 35,000 events per second, sample carryover ≤ 0.05%.
  • Acquires a large number of events rapidly; useful for rare populations.
  • There is no limit on events acquired.
  • Outstanding resolution at all flow rates.
  • Enables faster detection without compromising quality.
  • Improvement in stain index of 8-190% across all parameters.
  • Better separation enables faster analysis and easier gating.
  • Higher sensitivity makes dim and rare populations easier to resolve.


What benefit to Our Clinician

  • This next-generation flow cytometer enables standardization and collaboration through consistent results and unique assay portability and sharing capabilities.
  • Its standardization helps maximize compatibility, interoperability, repeatability and quality that will enable you to maximize clinical performance and ensure accurate as well as reliable results.
  • It has high-performance, highly sensitive flow cytometer excels at assays with dim or rare cell populations, and is available in multiple configurations for flexibility that can adapt to your changing clinical needs.


Intended Used

Our Flow Cytometry Service is intended for immunophenotyping using up to 6 colours, and is useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of:

  • Acute & Chronic Leukemia,
  • Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS),
  • Lymphoproliferation,
  • Plasma cell disorders
  • and Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH).



  1. FACSLyric Flow Cytometer Brochure
  2. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cdrh_docs/reviews/K170974.pdf

The new normal in the workplace

The new normal in the workplace

Here are some tips on how to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 in your workplace:

  1. If you feel sick, go home
    • Do not stay at your workplace when you are not feeling well. If you prefer to stay, you should avoid touching people, surfaces and objects should cover your mouth with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue in the bin.
  2. Keep physical distance but maintain social connection
    • Keeping space between you and others is one of the best tools we have to avoid being exposed to Covid-19. Limit close contact with others outside your household in indoor and outdoor spaces.
  3. Use video conferencing and phone calls as much as possible
    • Reduce face-to-face meeting with clients. Meetings can still take place where social distancing can occur.
  4. Workshop and training should be conducted online
    • Learning must not stop with Covid-19. Training can be done in virtual platform to reduce the social connection with others.
  5. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer often
    • Washing hands with soap and water whenever possible because handwashing reduces the amounts of all types of germs and chemicals on hands.
  6. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces regularly
    • Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces every day, even if they are not visibly dirty. If they become visibly dirty, clean the surfaces. Wash frequently touched surfaces with a clean, reusable cloth or a disposable towel dipped in detergent and warm water.
  7. Return home early after work
    • Avoid happy hours, club activities, and other small group gatherings after work.